After only four months, I finally have time to blog again! (well, sort of) The end of the year was pretty busy what with having a baby and hosting Christmas dinner for 30 family members. And then it's just been an adjustment period. While I was on maternity leave, we had Dominic going to preschool only part-time. Over the 7 week period, it became increasingly obvious that Dominic wanted to spend more time at home and that some of his behavioral issues from the last year or so are stemming from a sense of insecurity. Add this to a new baby and the fact that I've found my job entirely unfulfilling and eventually Jason and I took a hard look at our finances and decided we could afford for me to quit and stay home with the kids.
Anyway, I'm taking my job as as Stay-At-Home-Mom very seriously, and with the same amount of anal retention that makes me plan my menus a month in advance. I've set up my old office as our class room, drawn up a schedule in half-hour increments, planned the snack and lunch menu, and made a lesson plan for the week. I'd like to do the lesson plan further out, but I figure I need to gauge progress every week and work from there. Here are a few pictures from our classrooom.
Darcy hanging out |
The start of our number line. Teaching Dominic to recognize numbers and help his cutting skills. |
Dom working hard to color pictures that start with "a" for the first page of his alphabet book. |
A lesson in word building. I used "bat"- the other word was what Dom wanted to know how to spell. |
Anyway, so far it's been a real treat. I get to spend more focused time with Dom, cuddle Darcy (and no pumping!) and I've divided all my weekend chores across the week so I don't have to spend a full day just doing household chores every weekend. I do these during Dom's "free play" time.
On a side note, I was going to use this title anyway, but it's timely. Happy Birthday to on of my favorite authors, Dr. Seuss!
Dominic's first word: Butt? Hmm. Maybe we should send the teacher back to school.