Friday, September 3, 2010

Itchin' for some Thriftin' (why I'm completely insane)

Hi, my name is Erin and I'm completely incapable of making realistic evaluations of what I can and cannot take on.  For instance, I am whining (just a little bit, and mostly in my own head) about the fact that the next two weekends because I'll be away from home.  This means that my regular cleaning has to get done some time else, but most importantly, I don't have time for projects.  I really want to go to this flea market with my friend Sheena (even though I don't really NEED anything right now) and check out what's there. 

What am I hoping to find?  Well, I'm thinking it would be great to find a wine cabinet (that could potentially hold liquor and our wine glasses that are still in the box from our wedding).  I also want some cool frames that I can turn into chalk and cork boards around the house.  I'd love some floating shelves for the kitchen, some more bookcases, a rocker glider, a better desk, a futon, and a pair of wing back chairs, and some chandeliers to replace the hideous brass fixtures in the dining room and kitchen.  Also, a porch swing and maybe some cool pots so I can liven up our entry way next year.  I wouldn't be opposed to finding some nice fall decorations either.

Okay, maybe that doesn't sound too crazy- but keep in mind that anything I buy I will probably end up painting or refinishing is someway- and I'm 6 months pregnant with a 3-year old and a puppy.  And a husband- he needs looking after too.  Plus, I already have the promise of a desk and a rocker glider from my grandparents, if I can just find the time to drive up to their mountain house and get them.  I also could just paint the ugly chandeliers with blogland's favorite ORB (oil-rubbed bronze) spray paint.  That's actually what is most likely to happen.  I'd like to get a futon so we can sleep a few more guests- right now we have twin with a trundle- and that's not so very nice for couples because even though I CAN make a king from it, there tends to be a huge gap in the middle.  Plus it would be nice to have a futon in my office.

And all of this is on top of the projects I'm already trying to complete.  I've got a lap quilt I've been working on for 8 years (yes, it takes me that long) and it's coming close to being finished.  I've also purchased a lot of fabric to sew my own crib sheets and bedding for little Darcy Rose (all rose-themed of course), and I still need to repaint the crib and the yard-sale dresser I have for her room.  Plus I'm planning on painting her room (along with all the trim) before she arrives, and I'd like to finish the living room down stairs and the hallway upstairs too.  Preferrably the room painting will get done prior to my parents arrival on Sept. 23rd- yipes!  I'm not sure I'm going to get the three bathrooms, laundry room, office, or master bedroom done before December.  The painting seems a lot harder now than it did a few months ago, and crawling around on the floor to do trim and cut in means I can barely stand up straight the next day. 

Le sigh.  I'm ready to not be pregnant anymore, and I still have 15 weeks left!  In fact, I'm so ready I'm even fantasizing about running again. I've downloaded a cool app to my iPhone for a 10k training program, still determined to do the Bolder Boulder next Memorial day.  Potential start date is Jan. 31st- as long as I've been cleared by a doctor. I figure that's about 6 weeks after delivery and any stiches/staples/what-have-you should be healed.  No need for a baby weight loss plan- I'll be running and breastfeeding- so if that doesn't do it, nothing will.  Thanks for reading my ramblings if you made it this far, the next post will contain some house pictures, I promise! 

1 comment:

  1. i totally relate to everything you said in the first paragraph, i am the same way! except i don't have a toddler and a baby-to-be ;) darcy rose is SO CUTE! good look making headway on all those projects!
