Thursday, May 20, 2010

All Quiet on the Eastern Front

I haven't been blogging as much as I've been meaning to, but I hope that will be forgiven considering my current status as a single-mom trying to get ready for a move while also preparing to be out from my extremely demanding job for two weeks.

Since my last post I've managed to accomplish many things.  I have now notified all my utilities that they should be turned off, and I've arranged to have internet connected at the new house the day I arrive (yeah, I can't live without my internet).  Thankfully all the other utilities for my new house are on and all I have to do upon arrival is switch them to my name.  I've finished de-cluttering the house, except the fridge (top and inside) which will be done this weekend when I officially start eating out 3 meals a day (can you see my butt getting bigger?).  I've also patched and touched up every nail hole in the house and had a walk-through with our moving company.

With some of these more onerous tasks done, I'm looking forward to the weekend.  On Saturday, I'll get to see my aunt, cousin, and grandparents at my cousin's bridal shower.  My family is probably the single most important thing in my life, so I'm so grateful I have the opportunity to say goodbye to at least part of the East Coast clan.  I'll be with my grandparents much much more in Colorado, and that will be wonderful.

This post is getting long, but let me just take a moment to talk about how much my grandparents mean to me.  Grandfather has always been a supporter and encourager of my sometimes wild imagination.  For years he encouraged me to pursue writing and become a published author like he is.  I think my writing may be a bit different, but I have a dream to write a series of children's novels, something I've been harboring since I was about 12.  LONG before Harry Potter, I dreamed up many magical worlds that are somewhere between Narnia and the wizarding world of the Potter series.  Grandfather, you may see me published yet.  And Grandmother.  Well, if there was ever a more gentle, stubborn, loving, and determined person, I haven't met them.  My grandmother taught me to quilt, and basically gave me my entire stash of fabrics when she was "cleaning" out hers.  She also taught me to drive (or tried to) the summer before I went to college.  I remember taking a right turn at the bottom of a hill WAY too fast and swinging all the way over into the left lane and on-coming traffic.  She didn't scream, didn't clutch at me, she simply said, "Erin get back into the right lane as quickly as possible."  I can't wait to be near you again.

Okay, now I forgot where I as going with this post, so I'll wrap up.  I'm excited to get going and to be so close to some family I haven't seen much in the last five years.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Making Progress

Jason headed of to GA for some more lovely training on Saturday morning.  Thankfully, we got to spend Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday evening with him.  I had to work all week, but Dominic did get to go hiking with his Dad and gruncle on Thursday.  Anyway, with Jason gone before 9am, I pretty much had the whole weekend to get stuff done.  And I got'r dun.
On Saturday:

  • 3 loads of laundry
  • trip to Walmart for vacuum bags/filters and car stuff for the upcoming road trip
  • trip to Bed, Bath, and Beyond to pick up shower gift for my cousin Lara, who is getting married this summer
  • 2 1/2 hour nap (much needed)
  • posted items on Craigslist and freecyle
On Sunday:
  • 3 more loads of laundry (washing sheets, towels, and comforters to be stored until after the move
  • cleaned out master closet
  • trip to recycle center to drop off too much stuff
  • trip to target (after discovering I purchased all the wrong vacuum components on Sat)
  • Starbucks date with the Dom to celebrate mothers' day
  • Home Depot to drop off propane tanks that will NOT be moving with us, and buy tool caddy and hardware organizer (plus pick up paint chips for my home records book)
  • Trader Joes for groceries (mostly frozen meals since I won't be cooking much until after I settle in in CO
  • sanded primer and painted two dresser/side tables one coat
  • organized tools and paint downstairs
  • made arrangements for treadmill pick up
  • took Dom on roller skating adventure around the neighborhood
  • sold massive corner desk and watched in leave (if somewhat painfully) the premises
  • made chocolate chip cookies and dinner with Dom
So I am definitely making progress.  This probably doesn't matter much to the few of you that read this blog, but posting it makes me feel like I got something accomplished.  And I need that because I still have to:
  • call Verizon and cancel service, despite not being the name on the account and not knowing the account number or the customer service number
  • follow up with WashGas to confirm service cancellation
  • cancel service with Fairfax Water
  • clean grill- it's yucky
  • paint one (or two?) more coats on dresser/side tables
  • put together important documents file and continuing cleaning office
  • clean out Dom's closet
  • clean out bathroom cabinets
  • patch and paint various parts of house
  • sell sofa and love seat
  • freecycle guestroom bed
  • use or lose pantry and refrigerator items
  • take video of household goods
  • pack up stuff to take in the van with me
  • wash pots (for flowers) and replant one plant for a colleague
  • finish removing personal touches from work office
I could go on, but you get the idea. Wish me luck, I see many more nights of work ahead. I have two weekends left, and on each weekend I have a family commitment that will rob me of most of the day.
